People Will Judge No Matter What

Tidak ada keputusan yang 100% benar atau 100% salah. Setiap pengambilan keputusan pasti diawali dengan berpikir, memilah milih atau bahkan hitung kancing? Bisa juga. Tapi bahkan teknik hitung kancing pun tidak selalu 100% salah.

Waktu mengisi soal ujian pilihan ganda, semua dijawab dengan hitung kancing. Bisa gak lulus? Bisa. Bisa lulus? Bisa juga. Bahkan keputusan yang dibuat tanpa berpikir pun dapat membuat kita lulus ujian lho.

Keputusan yang awalnya buruk bagi banyak orang, mungkin di kemudian hari bisa membuat banyak orang iri.

Ketika seorang anak desa hijrah ke kota karena ingin sukses, ada yang mendukung tapi pasti banyak juga yang tidak. Banyak alasan, kota itu keras, orang desa gak mampu bersaing, pendidikan kurang dan lain-lain. Mungkin di awal banyak yang akan menghina-hina. Tapi nasib setiap orang mana bisa diprediksi? Apa anak ini bisa punya kehidupan yang lebih buruk daripada di desa? Bisa. Bisa sukses? Bisa juga. Sudah banyak cerita sukses seperti itu. Google deh!

Judging other people’s decision is not a bad thing, cause you will judge no matter what. Sadar atau pun tidak. Sama seperti waktu kamu lagi ngomongin orang, you cannot resist not to. Waktu kita bilang nggak mau ngomongin orang padahal sebenarnya sama aja pada akhirnya. It’s just so hard to resist.

Iya, tau kok. Feel that, been there.

Memang susah ditahan atau dihindari. Tapi paling tidak hati-hati lah waktu mengeluarkan setiap kata-kata. Paling nggak judging nya di dalam hati aja. Sebelum bilang orang ini salah atau benar, ada baiknya dipikir ulang. Kalo belum yakin, lebih baik disimpen dulu sampe kamu yakin.

Karena persepsi kita terhadap benar atau salahnya seseorang bahkan bisa membuat seseorang dipenjara, terlepas dari dia memang salah atau sebenarnya tidak.

He’eh, memang seserius itu.

Susah? Pasti!

There are no decisions that 100% right or 100% wrong. We will always start our decision making with thinking, choosing or maybe just simply count our shirt button? That also can be used to make a decision. But even counting button technique is not always 100% wrong.

Filling out all multiple choice questions in a test using this counting button technique. Can you not pass the test? Of course. But can you pass the test? There is a possibility. Even a decision that made without thinking still can make you pass the test.

A decision that initially look bad for many people, perhaps it can make them jealous in the future.

When a young man from a village want to move to the city because he want to be successful, there must be some people that will support him or not. There are so many reasons to not supporting him. It’s hard in the city, people from the village cannot compete with city people, the education is not enough, etc. In the beginning, many people will insult him. But no one can predict our destiny right? Will he has worse life than in the village? Maybe. Can he succeed? There is a possibility too. There are many success stories about this already. Google it!

Judging other people’s decision is not a bad thing, cause you will judge no matter what. You realize it or not. When you talk about somebody, you cannot resist not to. When you said you don’t want to judge anybody but actually you do it again and again. It’s just so hard to resist.

Yes, I know it. Feel that, been there.

It’s hard to hold or avoid it. But at least, always be careful when you said the words. Let the judgement stay in your heart. Before you say if someone doing right or wrong, better think about it again. If you’re not sure about it, better save it until you sure.

Because our perception about someone is right or wrong can even make him imprisoned, regardless of wether he is actually wrong or not.

Yes, it is that serious.

Is it hard? Definitely!




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